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Div C Coaches Information

Division C Coaches Information

Revised 2023

Division Director Contact
C Division Director email is: [email protected]

Player Ages

C Division is for players in the U9 and U10 age category.

Coaching Education

Volunteer recreation coaches are required to attend the preseason meetings held by the Hamilton Girls Soccer Club.  Volunteer coaches are required to fill out a NJYS KidSafe and Volunteer Coaching Information Form in order to coach in the recreation program. They must also watch the CDC Concussion Course video (every 2 years) and obtain a certificate and be fingerprinted and background checked every three years.  All volunteer coaches must also complete the nationally required Safe Sport Training and obtain a certificate after the course.

Concussion Information
Information For Parent and Student Athletes -- CLICK HERE for details
Concussion Information For Coaches -- CLICK HERE for details

Game Location
All games will be held at Crockett Middle School. Please click the "Fields" tab for field directions and locations.

Practice Location
Practice days, times and locations are up to the volunteer coach.

Game Play
Games are played on Sundays and are two 25 minute halves in length and are played in a 7v7 format including a goalkeeper.
See the complete Laws of the Game for C Division HERE

At the start of the season each team will be given team uniforms by Score that include a colored shirt and socks. Players should wear black shorts for game days. Goalkeepers MUST be designated by a different color than what the field players of both teams are wearing.

Inclement weather procedure
In case of bad weather player parents will be emailed with any cancellation details. Check the league Facebook page as well. During games, the referee has complete control of any suspension or canceling of games. Coaches should also reach out to their teams via text and/or Gamechanger to provide any cancellation information

Substitutions and Playing Time Requirements
Coaches must ensure equal playing time. Half of each game is the mandated playing minimum per player, as long as the player has upheld his or her half of the player/parent Code of Conduct. Failure to ensure fair playing time constitutes a violation of the coaches code of conduct.

Goalkeeper Playing Time
Up to the Coach.
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